Business Systems Analyst

Job Title:Business Systems Analyst Job Function:Business Analyst Location:Boston, MA Industry: Job Number:JO-1607-260Our Data Solutions team is seeking a versatile individual with strong business systems and data analysis skills for development and support of Data Solutions services and product offerings.  The successful candidate must be skilled in complex business data analysis with expertise in functional requirements gathering and documentation; have excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills; a proven ability to liaise between business/implementation and technology teams and display strong collaboration skills.  This role is part of a technology application development team.
  • Design efficient data models/functional requirements for the developers that meet the product/client requirements and that demonstrate a detailed understanding of the data.
  • System testing of all development work to ensure a high quality delivery that meets all requirements.
    • Work closely with business/implementation groups to understand the data requirements.
    • Document the data model and design to explain it to business, implementation and technical users.
    • Work as a member of a global team – provide status, communicate issues, share ideas, and follow process for analysis, development and support protocols.
    • Evaluate and prioritize enhancements/modifications.
    • Support the pre and post sales efforts.
    • Excellent communications, interpersonal and organizational skills.
    • Ability to effectively communicate with all levels of management.
    • Ability to multitask and work under high pressure deadlines.
    • Ability to reprioritize quickly.
  • Provide mentoring and training to less senior members of the team.
  • Develop realistic development plans and schedule. 
    • Bachelor’s degree or above.
    • 10+ years of financial services experience is required with strong data knowledge across all asset types and types of data (positions, cash, transactions, general ledger, etc.).
    • Effective communicator – can summarize succinctly and can provide details when needed.
    • Team oriented – capable of working in a global setting.
    • Detail oriented and strong sense of responsibility.
    • Proven ability to set and meet project timelines.
    • Experience in or desire to learn technical skills, e.g , SQL, database design, multi-tenancy architecture, etc. is required.
    • Experience working closely with or in a development team is preferred.
Stellenangebot, das ein Headhunter auf Experteer veröffentlicht hat.
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Die Experteer Gehaltsbenchmark zeigt den von Experteer geschätzten Marktwert für die jeweilige Position. Es handelt sich explizit nicht um die Angabe des Recruiters, sondern um eine Schätzung, die ausschließlich auf Marktdaten basiert.

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